6 Doable Ways to Stay Motivated to Get Fit

6 Doable Ways to Stay Motivated to Get Fit

Forget #motivationmonday. Get inspired to #RuleYourself and your fitness routine every day of the week by adding these simple tasks to your to-do list.

1. Goal for it.

To get into the right mindset, first identify what you’re aiming to accomplish. Finishing your first 5K? Climbing the four flights to your office without gasping for oxygen? Finally fitting into those skinny jeans? Come up with an attainable goal, then write it down in present tense (“I will do 30 burpees without stopping”) so it becomes less of a far-flung fantasy and more of a reachable reality.

2. Mix it up.

Bored of the same ol’, same ol’? Bust out of your fitness rut by challenging yourself to a different kind of workout. Think: Trying that Tabata class at your gym that has always intimidated you (trust us, you can do it), or swapping in swimming for your usual cardio blast. You don’t have to abandon the way you’ve always exercised, but mixing things up every week or so will give you a chance to hit the refresh button (and, hopefully, have a little fun) while still maintaining your fitness.

3. Treat yourself.

When you’re working to meet major goals, there’s nothing wrong with healthfully celebrating milestones. You’ve gone a week without missing a workout? Schedule a 30-minute massage. You hit your daily steps goal before 10 a.m. three days in a row? Sounds like you have the perfect excuse to go shopping for new workout gear. The more fun you make this journey to getting—and staying—fit, the more motivated you’ll be to keep it up.

4. Wear something new.

And speaking of new clothes, you just may be more jazzed to hit the gym in fresh gear rather than that boxy T-shirt and baggy shorts. So outfit yourself in some flattering fitness gear. Because when you look good, you feel good—and you’ll be more likely to look forward to every workout.

5. Get set.

Even if you are absolutely keyed in on getting fit, finding the time to work out is often the biggest hurdle to actually doing it. Make the transition seamless by preparing everything you need to exercise well before you intend to do it. Planning a post-work run? Have your gear in a bag by your front door so you can’t miss it (or ignore it) when you walk in. Attempting an early-morning workout? Take time the night before to lay out your clothes (down to your underwear, shoes and socks), so all you have to do is roll out of your bed—and roll into the gym.

6. Find a support system.

Your fitness routine is ultimately a solo endeavor, but that doesn’t mean you have to go it completely alone. Whether it’s recruiting your coworker to hit your office gym for lunchtime yoga or joining a fitness-focused group on Facebook, a network of support will make you accountable and motivated to stay the course even when you don’t feel like working out. And don’t be shy about sharing your goals, whether it’s online or revealing them to your close friends. Often times, the more you put out there, the more support you’ll receive—and the more inspired you’ll be to keep it up.

Under Armour’s Rule Yourself campaign celebrates that all health and fitness goals worth striving for require hard work and dedication. No matter what your goal, we all need to be reminded that every meal logged, mile walked and workout tracked counts. How do you #RuleYourself?

from Hello Healthy http://ift.tt/1QdsnWc