Your 3-Minute Guide to Better Health & Nutrition in 2017

Happy 2017! For those of you who have been with us all along, great to have you. You’re part of a community that is 190 million strong in more than 200 nations around the world.

If you’re new to Under Armour Connected Fitness, welcome! Maybe you’re here to get in better shape. Maybe you want to perfect the active pursuits you’re already passionate about — or discover that next passion. Maybe you want to drop a few pounds and learn how to eat healthier.

Whatever the case, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve pulled together some of our best content about the four major pillars of wellness: sleep, fitness, activity and nutrition.

Let’s face it: Obesity is a major issue, and many of us struggle with getting to and maintaining our goal weight. We know that weight loss is hard, so we’ve rounded up 10 articles to help you achieve healthier eating habits. Here’s to a healthier you!

It’s a lifestyle, not a quick fix

5 Reasons Why You Should Allow Yourself to Eat All Foods

Labeling your food as “good” or “bad” is passé and counterproductive to your well-being. Before you embark on the newest juice cleanse, learn why allowing yourself room to eat all foods can be beneficial to your waistline.

3 Reasons to Give Up Fad Diets

Don’t fall for gimmicks: cayenne pepper this and cabbage soup that. This year, ditch your yo-yo diet for good. Healthy eating is a lifestyle change, not a novelty. Here’s the rationale behind the long-term benefits.

Eat less added sugar (and don’t drink your calories!)

The Surprising Benefits of Cutting Back on Sugar

You’ve heard the news: Added sugar is quickly dethroning fat as the new nutrition super villain. Learn 21 legit reasons to cut back on sugar — besides fitting into your skinny jeans.

So You Want to Stop … Eating Added Sugar

Even if you don’t have a sweet tooth, cutting back on added sugar can seem like a chore. Sugar goes by many nicknames and is an ingredient in countless foods. If you’re not sure where to start, let us guide you.


> Your 3-Minute Guide to Better Sleep in 2017
> Your 3-Minute Guide to More Effective Fitness in 2017
> Your 3-Minute Guide to Movement & Better Activity in 2017

Be smart when eating out & cook when you can

A Beginner's Guide to Meal Planning | MyFitnessPal

The Ultimate Guide to Cutting Back on Calories When Eating Out

Between bottomless margaritas and 12-ounce prime ribs, it’s a challenge to stay on track when you eat out. It’s easy to load up on extra calories, fat, sugar and sodium if you’re not paying attention. Check out our guide for easy tips to trim the excess.

A Beginner’s Guide to Meal Planning

Meal planning is a secret weapon — not just for weight loss and healthy eating but for simplifying your family’s routine and doing it all on a budget. Here’s our step-by-step guide for it all, from making a shopping list to the recipes you need to be successful.

When it comes to calories, quality and quantity counts

Ask the Dietitian: Is a Calorie a Calorie?

Calories are the magic numbers for maintaining your weight. But are all calories created equal? Our expert explains the difference between calories from carbs, protein and fat.

Nutrition 101: What Is a Calorie?

Calories are more than tiny creatures in your closet that stitch your clothes tighter every night. This easy-to-follow infographic walks you through the basics of what calories are and why they matter.


It’s more than just weight loss

What BMI May (Not) Say About Your Health

We often cite weight and body-mass index to track our progress toward good health. These are helpful indicators, but they also have their own pitfalls. Learn what BMI does and doesn’t say about your body.

The Most Dangerous Fat Is the Easiest to Lose

Most of us love seeing the weight tip off the scale, but did you know that losing a certain kind of fat is more beneficial to your health? Learn which fat on your body is the most dangerous and what you can do about it.

Got a favorite nutrition article you want to share? Add yours to the comment section below.

The post Your 3-Minute Guide to Better Health & Nutrition in 2017 appeared first on Under Armour.

from Under Armour