8 Fitness Halloween Horror Stories


Just in time for Halloween, we asked MyFitnessPal users and our Under Armour teammates for stories about those awkward, painful or downright horrifying moments that can happen while working out. We were mortified for you guys!

“In college, I took what I thought would be a nice, relaxing yoga class. For whatever reason, the first class was an extremely hot yoga session. Behind me, a man twice my size fainted and fell on top of me. I was trapped. Several students came to the rescue and lifted his sweaty, shirtless body off of me. After some fanning and water he was fine, but I did not see him the rest of the semester.”
—Teagan H., Under Armour teammate

“I hadn’t noticed just how loose my favorite workout pants were until I was in a boxing class and they fell to my ankles.”
—Caroline M.

“One day at the gym, I heard a piercing scream from the guy doing bicep curls. He made the mistake of using a curl bar without clasping the weights secure. A 45-pound weight fell off the bar and onto his foot. He took off his shoes to find he had broken four of his toes. One of his bones had even punctured through his sock. It looked like something straight out of the Halloween aisle.”
—Brennan D., Under Armour teammate

“One year at soccer camp, I had forgotten to bring indoor shoes. On the day we played in the gym I decided that I could play just fine in my socks. I went sprinting after a ball but when I tried to stop, I slid across the floor and slammed face first into the bleachers. My nose was broken and I was writhing and screaming in pain. I still remember one of the campers asking, ‘Is she dead?’ Needless to say, it was the last day of soccer camp for me.”
—Natalie S., Under Armour teammate

“I signed up for the Food on the Run 10K in Cincinnati. The website said dressing up was encouraged, so I borrowed a banana costume from my boyfriend. When I got there, I was the only one in costume!”
—Katie M.

“When I first began going to a gym, the only machine I really knew how to use was the treadmill. I finally worked up my confidence to use the ab machine but I didn’t know how to adjust and lock it properly. A few crunches in, the head support released, whipped back and hit me square in the face. It burst my nose, split my lips and cut my gums. I ran to the bathroom and stayed there for a really long time, hoping the people who had seen me had left.”
—Sara A., Under Armour teammate

“Through 2014, I was extremely dedicated to becoming as fit as possible. After a year’s worth of dedication in the gym, I missed a step walking down the stairs and fractured my ankle, tearing all the outer ligaments in the process. Determined not to let a simple step keep me down, I took a week off to recover from surgery and was back in the gym doing single-leg workouts and upper body movements. I managed to get back to full health just five months later and even competed in a team CrossFit competition.”
—Michael M., Under Armour teammate

“I was listening to the radio though my phone, and accidentally pressed the speaker button. Next thing I know I’m blasting Queen’s “I Want to Break Free” in a crowded gym.”
—Catherine D.

Have a horror story of your own? Tell us here!

from Hello Healthy http://ift.tt/1LGXzKm