This Week in Health & Fitness: Fit for Your Age? Take This Test

You’re back for more, and so are we. We’re pleased to present another edition of “This Week in Health & Fitness,” the Under Armour Connected Fitness biweekly series in which our editorial team hand-curates the biggest stories, trends and goings-on around the world that will help you on your quest to live a healthy lifestyle. Let’s get back to it.

How Fit Are You for Your Age?

Admit it, you’ve said this line before: “I’m in pretty decent shape for my age.” But are you? How would you know? Across the pond, this piece from The Telegraph has an actual checklist by age group. Did you know that if you’re in your 40s, you should be able to sprint for 60 seconds without stopping? Last one there’s a rotten Gen Xer.

Exercise? Let’s Be Brief

We get it, life is busy. But exactly how short of a workout can you get away with? The New York Times takes on this question. Here at UACF, we preach the benefits of high-intensity interval training over and over. We can’t recommend it enough, especially for the time-constrained.

How About a Museum Workout?

Here’s a best-of-both-worlds situation: Work out while getting a guided tour through fine works of art. It’s a thing, especially if you plan to be in New York soon. “The Museum Workout” is exactly what it sounds like: a 45-minute guided jaunt through the Metropolitan Museum of Art coupled with a brisk cardio session.

Yoga by Candlelight

Could you use a little relaxation with some mood setting? Back in the U.K. again, Virgin Active is offering calm yoga classes — by candlelight. Check out this video review.


Running: Key to Mending a Broken Heart

Was your Valentine’s Day not all it was cracked up to be? It happens. But there is some scientific evidence that lacing up your running shoes and getting out there can actually help combat those negative vibes. has the scoop.

…But Be Careful with the Tunes

Everything in moderation, right? Including studies — one that suggests listening to music or podcasts while you work out can be detrimental to your form, according to Health magazine. Find out whether you’re more at risk of hurting yourself.

Exercise vs. Diet

Wait, shouldn’t that be exercise and diet? Well, yes, you need both for sustained weight loss. But a new study suggests that permanent changes to your diet go much further toward helping you keep the weight off than a regular exercise routine.


> A Love Letter to Broccoli: Where Is the Respect?
> Daniel’s Weight-Loss Secret? 2 Pounds Per Week
> 10 Things to Look for in Your Personal Trainer
> 5 Ways to Stay Germ-Free at the Gym

The Ugly Proof for Snackers

We’ve got bad news if you love Doritos — and you know what’s coming. They’re really not very healthy. Check out this breakdown of all 26 ingredients in Doritos Nacho Cheese Tortilla Chips, the conclusion of which deems these munchables “a cheese-dust-covered grenade.”

Baltimore: Near and Dear to Our Hearts

OK, let’s get back to the feel-good stuff. The latest installment of the “Active Girl’s Guide” for healthy travel from Women’s Health hits up Baltimore — aka Charm City and the home of Under Armour’s Global Headquarters. There are some fun recommendations for running, cycling and eating, as well as shoutouts to our own Under Armour Performance Center and the UA Brand House in Harbor East.

Age Is Just a Number, Part III

We’re developing a nice trend here of this final slot going to people doing amazing things deep into their golden years. Last time, it was a 98-year-old yoga instructor. This time, it’s a 105-year-old French cyclist who is setting world records and destroying all preconceived notions of aging. Très impressionnant!


> Women’s Workout Clothes
> Women’s Capris
> Women’s Hoodies
> Women’s Running Shoes

The post This Week in Health & Fitness: Fit for Your Age? Take This Test appeared first on Under Armour.

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