Meet the Underdog Who Inspires Michael Phelps | This Week in Fitness

We all need heroes, and that’s the theme in this edition of “This Week in Fitness” (check out our streamlined title!). Every other week, the Under Armour Connected Fitness editorial team hand-curates the biggest stories, trends and goings-on around the world that aim to motivate you to be the healthiest you. Get ready for inspiration.

Phelps Inspires an Ultimate Underdog

Michael Phelps captivated millions during his legendary career. But maybe no story is as inspirational as the one involving Johnny Agar, a Michigan native born with cerebral palsy who has completed several marathons with his father pushing him in his wheelchair. Turns out the most decorated Olympian in history has been a major inspiration for Agar, whose mother even made a near shot-for-shot remake of Phelps’ “Rule Yourself” Under Armour spot. Count Phelps among Agar’s biggest fans, too — he put his full support behind Agar ahead of the youngster’s next challenge: this weekend’s Ironman 70.3 in central Florida.

Steph Curry: Super Dad

Speaking of UA athletes, if you haven’t caught the video of Stephen Curry doing “Carpool Karaoke” with James Corden on “The Late Late Show,” you’re missing out. Not only can the two-time NBA MVP rain 3s on opposing defenses, he can tear up Disney classics from “Frozen” and “Moana.” Riley Curry, you are a lucky little girl.

Counting the Beans in Boston

In just a few days, more than 30,000 runners will participate in the 121st edition of the Boston Marathon, arguably the biggest major footrace in America. It’s certainly had its share of history, but if you’re curious how much the top finishers take home, check out this from the Boston Globe.


Earth’s Hardest Marathon?

Boston’s notorious Heartbreak Hill has nothing on the Barkley Marathons in eastern Tennessee, a quirky, off-the-books race comprising five separate loops of more than 20 miles each that attracts ultramarathoners from around the globe. If that description doesn’t drive home how hard it is, consider this: Literally one man out of 40 participants finished this year’s edition, just a half-hour short of the 60-hour cutoff. Only 15 runners have completed the whole thing in its 31-year history.

If You’re Inked, Don’t Sweat It

More news from the running world: A recent study found that individuals with tattoos sweat differently in those spots than people without the ink. What’s more, you have a greater concentration of salt in the sweat that does come from tattooed areas.

Anything You Can Do…

Are women better at endurance sports than men? That’s the question this piece from Outside Magazine attempts to answer, citing the results of several recent races and events from around the globe. If there’s still a gender gap out there, it may be closing when it comes to physical competition.

You’re Doing the Escalator Wrong

Stop us if you’ve heard this one: You’re desperate to get some extra steps in, and that left side of the escalator looks free. So you pump those high knees and huff and puff to the top. Feels awesome, right? According to this take from The New York Times, not only is it not the advantage you thought, but you’re messing it up for everyone.

Weight Loss By Lockdown

We’ve seen some extreme measure to lose weight, but this is a new one. Maybe you saw this device on “Shark Tank” — the kSafe lock box that literally locks your trigger food away, complete with a timer. Women’s Health tried it out, and found it worked … sorta. Again, we at UACF don’t condone these sorts of quick-fix methods — read up on more here.


A Bone (Broth) to Pick

It’s been touted as a trendy food for some time now, but bone broth continues to elevate into the zeitgeist. And when it’s determined to be a hipster staple, you know it’s officially a thing. According to NPR’s The Salt blog, high demand for bone broth is starting to drive the price of this restorative quaff north of $12 per quart. Make no bones about that.

Bizarre Ballpark Foods, 2017 Edition

Baseball fare has come a long way from hot dogs, peanuts and Cracker Jacks. In recent years, a day at the old ballgame has come to be associated with stranger eats like Krispy Kreme doughnut dogs, the fried S’mOreo, the Burgerizza and, of course, Rocky Mountain oysters. Deal in the Seattle Mariners, who now offer toasted grasshoppers — known as Chapulines south of the border — at Safeco Field. Tossed with chili lime salt, a cup will set you back only $4. Another bonus: They’re high in protein — and ahead of their time. As our own writer notes, insect-based food is the wave of the culinary future.


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