Midwestern Steak Salad

Midwestern Steak Salad

Make your own lean, clean and mean meal with 24 Carrot Life‘s protein-packed Midwestern steak salad. With most salads, the empty calories and fat are in the dressing, but you can solve that by fixing your own creamy avocado-yogurt dressing. This salad makes an epically satisfying power lunch complete with fiber-rich beans and juicy flatiron steak.


24-carrot-life-headshotKatie is the author of 24 Carrot Life, a (mostly) healthy food blog with quick and simple recipes that show you can live a decadent food lifestyle while still keeping things simple, healthy, and based on whole foods. She works full-time at a non-profit and is based in Philadelphia, PA. For more from Katie, follow her on Facebook,  Twitter and Pinterest.

Photo courtesy of Katie Oberwager. Original recipe can be found on 24 Carrot Life.

The post Midwestern Steak Salad appeared first on Hello Healthy.

from Hello Healthy http://ift.tt/1ORxMh1