Monday Mindfulness: Take This 5-Minute Walk to Unclutter Your Head


Welcome to Monday Mindfulness, brought to you by Stop, Breathe & Think.

Going into a new week is tough. We believe the best way to start it off right is with a little peace of mind. Here’s one quick and simple way to establish emotional wellness, every day.

A mindful walk is an excellent way to clear your mind of clutter and restore your sense of focus. It’s also a great excuse to get out into nature. Several studies have shown that taking a break to look at or be in nature can have a rejuvenating effect on the brain, helping to free up your mind when you feel stuck and boosting levels of attention.

Incorporate mindful walking into your daily life in as little as 5–10 minutes a day by using all of your senses — sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch — to bring awareness to your body and surroundings.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. As you walk, notice how your body feels.
  1. Pay attention to how your legs, feet and arms feel with each step you take.
  1. Feel the contact of your foot as it touches the ground, and the movement of your body as you move into your next step.
  1. If you become lost in thought as you continue to walk, use the next step as an opportunity to start over.
  1. Now, using your sense of sight, look around and try to notice every detail.
  1. Using your sense of smell, notice any aromas or scents.
  1. Are you able to notice any tastes as you walk? Can you taste the air?
  1. Now, using your sense of touch, notice the solidity of the earth beneath your feet.
  1. With openness and curiosity, notice any sensations, thoughts or feelings that arise, without lingering on anything in particular.

You can mindfully walk anywhere — outside while walking to work or school, for example, or inside while walking through the grocery store. You might find it helpful to use a guided audio track to get started. Try this five-minute mindful walking track by Stop, Breathe & Think, or download the app to access mindful walking activities anytime, anywhere.

Life is a journey. Enjoy a little peace of mind on the path toward your destination.

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Fall Back into Fitness Challenge Day 1: Total-Body Strength Training


Welcome to the first day of our Fall Back into Fitness Challenge! Today’s workout video is all about total-body strength training.

What you’ll need:

  1. Dumbbells
  • A heavier set for larger muscle groups (legs, chest and back)
  • A lighter set for the arms, shoulders and upper back
  1. Sturdy chair
  • The chair will help target your major muscle groups with exercises like squat sits, chest presses, bent-over rows, overhead presses, biceps curls, lunges, triceps extensions, planks and standing cross crunches.

Instead of using a specific rep count, we’ll focus on time under tension during the exercises, so feel free to adjust the amount of repetitions based on your current fitness level. The goal is to hit muscular fatigue while still using proper form and alignment during each rep.

Prefer to do your own thing? Awesome! Schedule 20–60 minutes of your favorite strength-training workout that targets the whole body. Be sure to hit every major muscle group and aim to work to muscular fatigue. Check in with us here or on social media once you’re done.

Log this workout in your MyFitnessPal app as “CIRCUIT TRAINING, GENERAL”

Hey, Team! Let us know once you’ve completed your workout today! Tell us about it in the comments below, or tag us in your social media check-ins #MFPChallenge @myfitnesspal so we can cheer you on!

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Why You Need More Than Just Willpower for Weight Loss


All too often, individuals blame their unsuccessful attempts at weight loss and dieting on a lack of willpower. Unfortunately relying on willpower to achieve and maintain weight loss isn’t practical or sustainable.

You can’t just will your way to your “happy” weight. Lasting weight loss requires sustainable behavior changes and a healthy relationship with food. These two pieces of the puzzle are nonnegotiable if you’re looking for happiness at your healthy weight (also know as “happy” weight).

While you may be able to lose weight initially on willpower alone, without adopting sustainable behavior changes and a healthy relationship with food, you will gain back the weight or not be satisfied with your body. Willpower and motivation will help to kick-start your health journey, but they will only get you so far. We all lose steam (it’s human nature!) and need a realistic plan to keep going.


1. Don’t buy into weight-loss gimmicks. Avoid products or diet plans that promise you can slim down in five days by drinking only juice or eating zero carbs. Anything super extreme that’s far from a balanced diet is only a quick fix, and all too often any weight that is lost on those diets is regained on the rebound. These gimmicks don’t lead to lasting results.

2. Eat foods that are fun, too. Ice cream, pizza, and pumpkin spice lattes are often sworn off when going on a diet. But, this isn’t the best strategy for long-lasting weight loss because it could lead to intense cravings or binge eating. Instead of cutting them out, allow yourself to eat foods that are fun in moderation.

3. Set achievable weight goals.  Weight loss doesn’t happen overnight, or in a few days for that matter. If you’re being sold rapid weight loss… turn and run! Losing weight too quickly (more than 1–2 pounds/week) might not sustainable for most people. Set achievable goals, take measurements and re-evaluate your goals every week to stay on track.

4. Learn to decipher hunger and fullness. Knowing what, when and how much to eat is half the battle with weight loss. The good news is you can use your body’s internal hunger and fullness cues to guide you. Note: The people who manage their weight and keep it off without having to diet do this naturally (or have learned this tool over time). If you want to understand your hunger and fullness better, read this article: The Simple Tool That Can Help Prevent Overeating

5. Know your “why.” Do you know your reasons for wanting to lose weight and get healthy? Turn your motivations into more than just willpower; make them your purpose. Write a mission statement to give more meaning to your goals. Getting solid on your “why” runs deep and will fuel a healthy lifestyle.

Don’t beat yourself up again if you have trouble reaching your goals. If you’re feeling like you’ve failed your diet from a lack of willpower, maybe it’s the diet that failed you. Take actions that are sustainable and long-lasting to find your happy weight.

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Apple Cinnamon Breakfast Cookies

Apple Cinnamon Breakfast Cookies

Munch on breakfast cookies loaded with real apple, honey and cinnamon—none of the artificial stuff! These cookies are baked with chewy oats and walnuts, so you can get your fill of fiber and heart-healthy fats.

Photo Credit: Demi Tsasis

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Sunflower Seed Butter Banana Chocolate Oatmeal

Sunflower Seed Butter Banana Chocolate Oatmeal

Stay calm on hectic mornings with Cooking Light’s nutty, chocolatey banana oatmeal. Oats and bananas are both high in soluble fiber, which slows digestion and keeps you fuller for longer. As if this breakfast couldn’t get any better, rich dark chocolate shavings add a decadent finish!

Cooking Light DietFind more low-calorie dinner meals like this from the new Cooking Light Diet, where you can lose weight without giving up the foods you love. Learn more at Follow Cooking Light on Facebook for more daily recipe inspiration.

Follow Cooking Light on Facebook for daily recipe inspiration.

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Three Fast and Easy Tips to Start Walking Off the Weight


The key to losing weight is to keep it simple. Here are three quick tips to help you start walking. You can start on the day that you are reading this. It’s never too early and never too late to get started.

1. Always Be Prepared

Keep walking shoes everywhere: in your car, at the office, at home, you name it. If you have more pairs of walking shoes than fashion shoes, you will be healthier! I always carry fitness shoes in a tote bag  but never give up my cute boots. I wear my heels “in” and my walking shoes “out” of whatever my day asks of me!


The More You Know, The Stronger You Get: Know your workout intensity using UA Heart Rate. See how hard you’re working in real time. For a limited time, UA Heart Rate is $15 off.


Tip: Get even more from your walk, and keep light hand weights with your walking shoes. Try a one-, two- or three-pound set for added muscle boost. “The Tone Every Zone Walk” goes over moves for sculpting your arms, waistline and legs while you walk!

2. Mini Walks Add Up

Plan mini walks into three parts of your day. You will create a very powerful healthy habit if you plan these around your meals. Aim for a quick 10-minute walk after breakfast, an easy 10-minute walk before lunch and a brisk 10-minute walk in the evening (before or after dinner — it’s your choice!). “Mix & Match Walk Blasters makes it so easy.

Tip: It’s generally OK to walk after a meal. But if you choose to walk after a large, heavy meal like Thanksgiving, you might be uncomfortable. Any other time you can walk when you want. Walking is  “no rules” fitness!

3. Take Advantage of the Weekend

Plan long walks for the weekend! This is the secret weapon to speeding up weight loss. A 60-minute walk on Saturday and a 40-minute walk on Sunday can be the big burn to get those extra pounds to walk away! Try our “5 Boosted Miles” every Saturday morning to give your week a big burn!


> Heart Rate Monitoring Basics
> Beginners Guide to Orangetheory Fitness
> Beginners Guide to Running for Weight Loss

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Brussels Sprouts Hash with Bacon & Egg


Charred on the outside and slightly tender on the inside, Skinnytaste’s Brussels sprouts hash can help veggie haters kindle a love for this nutritious vegetable. Cooked with crispy bacon and topped with a runny fried egg, it’s the perfect meal for Sunday brunch.

skinnytastefastandslowThe easiest, tastiest, most convenient healthy recipes—ever! With Skinnytaste Fast and Slow, you can get a nutritious, flavor-packed meal—complete with a flourless chocolate brownie made in a slow cooker—on the table any night of the week. Gina Homolka shares 140 dishes that come together in a snap—whether in a slow cooker or in the oven or on the stovetop. Skinnytaste Fast and Slow is available everywhere books are sold. Get your copy today!

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10 Tricks to Keeping Kids from Eating Too Many Halloween Treats


For parents, Halloween is often a zero-sum game between trick or treat. Sure, the costumes are adorable and the spending time with your kids can’t be beat.

But then there’s the candy. Oh goodness, is there the candy.

Steering clear of sweets is hard enough on our own — how are we supposed to set a good example when the very nature of our kids’ favorite holiday is about bags and bags full of chocolates, candies and all forms of sugar in mass quantities?

Well, we asked, you answered. We threw the question out to our Facebook community: Is the spookiest thing about Halloween your kids’ sweet tooth? What’s your trick to keeping them from eating too many sweets?

Want to join the conversation? Follow us on Facebook.

Below are 10 of our favorites of the strategies you submitted. Good work, parents! And Happy Halloween from all of us at Under Armour Connected Fitness!

1. Meet the Switch Witch…FTW!

2. Or maybe a visit from the Halloween Fairy?

3. The genius move… if they go for it!

4. The “Binge & Purge” approach.

5. Train your kids up in the art of negotiation.

6. Play some Halloween Hide and Go Seek.

7. Save the stomachaches for yourself.

8. The “Bear-Proof Bag” method.

9. Reduce, recycle, reuse!

10. Next year, we’re coming to your house.

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5 Dietitian-Approved Meals Ready in 15 Minutes


We’ve all had those busy weeknights when simply winding down can be challenging enough, let alone trying to tackle meal prep and cooking. To help, we’ve asked five busy dietitians to share their favorite fast meals that can be thrown together in a pinch — no advanced cooking skills required. Get some inspiration from their tips below!

1. Patricia Bannan, RD, author of “Eat Right When Time is Tight
My quick and healthy go-to dinner is tuna and veggies. I’ll mix a can of albacore tuna with a bit of mayo and spicy mustard, then chop up some crisp veggies like cucumber, red onion and bell peppers. I usually enjoy this in a whole-wheat wrap or on top of a green salad with chopped tomato, avocado or any other vegetables I have on hand.

This dinner helps me reach the recommended 2–3 servings of seafood per week that is advised for optimal health. Seafood is an important source of protein, good fats and vitamins and minerals. Adding lots of veggies pumps up the fiber and nutrient density of the meal. This super nutritious dinner is ready in 15 minutes or less!

2. Rebecca Vander Sluis, RDN
One of my top meals is a stuffed sweet potato. Simply poke a sweet potato with a knife, and heat in the microwave for five minutes. Once the potato has cooled, slice it in half, scoop out the insides and transfer it to a bowl. Stir in 2 teaspoons of taco seasoning, sautéed peppers and onions, and black beans. Then, fill in the empty sweet potato skins with this mixture. For cheesy flair, sprinkle with grated cheese, and microwave for one minute till the cheese has melted. Serve with chopped cilantro, salsa and sour cream as optional toppings.

Many people fail at eating healthy because they make it too complicated. This sweet potato dish is simple and follows the ‘rule of three’ formula:

  1. Adequate protein: black beans
  2. Two servings of fruits or vegetables: peppers and onions
  3. A whole grain or starchy vegetable: sweet potato

3. Julieanna Hever, RD, author of “The Vegiterranean Diet
On a busy weeknight, when I am hungry and have a famished family to feed, my go-to dinner is a Mexican fiesta. I whip up a few easy side dishes, then let everyone mix and match to their liking. Here are a few options I’ll lay out on the table:

  • Basic Bean Dish: On the stove, in a medium saucepan, I throw in a can or two of oil-free refried beans, and mix in some frozen roasted corn and salsa over medium-low heat, while stirring, and it is perfect after about 5 minutes. This mixture is filled with an array of health-promoting fibers, plant protein and the perfect synergistic combination of vitamin C in the tomatoes and iron in the beans for optimal mineral absorption. It goes well over a salad, rolled into a tortilla, burrito style, or on tacos.
  • Fresh Guacamole: Simply mash avocado with a bit of salt and lemon juice.
  • Frozen Batch-Cooked Rice: Having frozen brown rice in the freezer makes for a super quick, substantial side dish. I often batch-cook brown, red, black or wild rice or quinoa to keep in the fridge for situations like these.

This whole food, plant-based meal is packed with health-promoting nutrients and satiating complex carbs, proteins and healthy fats — and it can be completed in under 15 minutes.

4. Jessa Nowak, MS, RD
When it’s been a rough day and my refrigerator is looking sad, my go-to meal is an egg bowl. Whip up some eggs scrambled with spinach. Then, add them to a bowl and layer with warmed black beans, cheese, diced tomatoes and black olives. Top with a dollop of sour cream and a heavy sprinkle of hot sauce. Serve with sliced fruit and a glass of milk. This meal is full of flavor, satisfying and super quick and balanced. It is high in protein and fiber and covers all food groups without adding bread or a white starch.

5. Christa Mantey, RD
We just had our first baby five months ago, so there are a lot of nights where I don’t have the time to be as creative with dinner. Being a dietitian, I always try to make it nutritious, and being Italian, I always try to make it delicious. Our go-to quick dinner has been salad in a bag from Costco, Trader Joe’s or Whole Foods complete with dressings and fixings. I love that we can get our fresh, raw, organic greens in each night without having to spend too much time in the kitchen. All the enzymes, phytonutrients, fiber and healthy fats help to keep us fueled and nourished. This is so quick — it literally requires me opening the bag and emptying the contents into a salad bowl, mixing and serving. Adding some leftover quinoa, avocado, chicken or salmon that we have in the fridge is nice to for some added protein and healthy fats.

Got your own healthy no-recipe meals? Share yours in the comments below.

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How to Choose a Perfectly Ripe Pear


A popular and nutritious fall fruit, pears are at their peak right now — but you have to know how to pick ‘em.

Contrary to what you might think, pears are one of the few fruits that don’t actually ripen on the plant, so they’re harvested as soon as they’re fully grown. Once taken off of the tree, most commercial pears go through a chilling period that kick-starts the ripening process. After a pear has been chilled, it will slowly begin to ripen at room temperature, getting sweeter and juicier with time. This usually takes about 4-5 days for Bartlett, 5-7 days for Bosc and Comice, and 7-10 days for Anjou pears. One important thing to note is that pears must ripen at room temperature, so be sure to keep them out of the crisper until they’re ready to eat.

PrintPears are an excellent source of fiber and a good source of vitamin C for only 100 calories per serving. Plus, they’re sodium-free, fat-free, and cholesterol-free. Check out USA Pears for additional recipes and tasty ways to incorporate pears into your diet.

Most pear varieties don’t experience much color change as they ripen, with the exception of Bartlett pears which get brighter as they approach peak ripeness (and sweetness), going from green to golden. So, how do you know when a pear, no matter the type, is perfectly ripe? All you need to do is Check the Neck™.

To do this, hold the pear firmly in the palm of your hand and use your thumb to gently press the flesh just below where the stem joins the fruit. If it yields to pressure, it’s ripe and ready to eat. If the neck is still pretty firm, try checking again the following day. Once ripe, store the ripe pear in the refrigerator to slow the ripening process and save it for another day.


Of course, you can always help the ripening process along if your patience for enjoying a juicy pear is wearing thin. Simply place unripe pears in a paper bag with a ripe banana or apple, and the ethylene gas will help speed things up a bit.

Keep in mind that pears only remain perfectly ripe for a short period of time — usually a couple of days if left on the counter or up to five days if moved to the refrigerator. All’s not lost if you happen to let them go a day too long, though! Overripe pears bake up great in the oven and also make wonderful additions to smoothies.

Now that you know how to choose a perfectly ripe pear, here are 5 easy, nutritious pear snacks to try.

Elle Cooking copyElle Penner, M.P.H., R.D., is a registered dietitian, active runner and food-enthusiast. For more healthy living inspiration, connect with her on PinterestTwitter and Instagram.

The post How to Choose a Perfectly Ripe Pear appeared first on Hello Healthy.

from Hello Healthy

How to Choose a Perfectly Ripe Pear


A popular and nutritious fall fruit, pears are at their peak right now — but you have to know how to pick ‘em.

Contrary to what you might think, pears are one of the few fruits that don’t actually ripen on the plant, so they’re harvested as soon as they’re fully grown. Once taken off of the tree, most commercial pears go through a chilling period that kick-starts the ripening process. After a pear has been chilled, it will slowly begin to ripen at room temperature, getting sweeter and juicier with time. This usually takes about 4-5 days for Bartlett, 5-7 days for Bosc and Comice, and 7-10 days for Anjou pears. One important thing to note is that pears must ripen at room temperature, so be sure to keep them out of the crisper until they’re ready to eat.

PrintPears are an excellent source of fiber and a good source of vitamin C for only 100 calories per serving. Plus, they’re sodium-free, fat-free, and cholesterol-free. Check out USA Pears for additional recipes and tasty ways to incorporate pears into your diet.

Most pear varieties don’t experience much color change as they ripen, with the exception of Bartlett pears which get brighter as they approach peak ripeness (and sweetness), going from green to golden. So, how do you know when a pear, no matter the type, is perfectly ripe? All you need to do is Check the Neck™.

To do this, hold the pear firmly in the palm of your hand and use your thumb to gently press the flesh just below where the stem joins the fruit. If it yields to pressure, it’s ripe and ready to eat. If the neck is still pretty firm, try checking again the following day. Once ripe, store the ripe pear in the refrigerator to slow the ripening process and save it for another day.


Of course, you can always help the ripening process along if your patience for enjoying a juicy pear is wearing thin. Simply place unripe pears in a paper bag with a ripe banana or apple, and the ethylene gas will help speed things up a bit.

Keep in mind that pears only remain perfectly ripe for a short period of time — usually a couple of days if left on the counter or up to five days if moved to the refrigerator. All’s not lost if you happen to let them go a day too long, though! Overripe pears bake up great in the oven and also make wonderful additions to smoothies.

Now that you know how to choose a perfectly ripe pear, here are 5 easy, nutritious pear snacks to try.

Elle Cooking copyElle Penner, M.P.H., R.D., is a registered dietitian, active runner and food-enthusiast. For more healthy living inspiration, connect with her on PinterestTwitter and Instagram.

The post How to Choose a Perfectly Ripe Pear appeared first on Hello Healthy.

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A Sample Week Of Working Out For Weight Loss


If you’re trying to lose weight, you may know that adding more workouts to your weekly routine is one of the best steps you can take. However, it can be tough to come up with a perfect plan on your own if you have no idea where to start. Whether you’re totally new to fitness or just need some guidance,you’re covered here. Celeb trainer Adam Rosante, author of The 30-Second Body and C9 ambassador, came up with a plan for SELF readers to help guide you to success with any weight-loss goals you may have (when it’s paired with healthy nutrition choices and good sleep, of course).

“This plan is highly effective, but totally accessible to all levels,” says Rosante. Here, he plans out your Monday through Sunday—all you have to do is show up and work hard. This mix covers all of your bases, but if you need to swap something out, that’s NBD—this is just an example week of the types of workouts you can be doing. Consider it a baseline to help get you going.

Here’s how to use this plan:

  • Check out the perfectly planned week of workouts tailored to weight-loss goals below. If you’re not trying to lose weight, that’s completely fine too—no matter what your goals are, this balanced fitness plan can be a great guideline.
  • Schedule your workouts for the upcoming week on your calendar and book your classes in advance.
  • If you need to replace a day with another workout, just be strategic about it. “Follow the spirit of each workout: Strength training, high-intensity cardio, mobility work and stretching, steady-state movement.” Maybe you swap out a sprint day with an interval training group fitness class, or you hit up a restorative yoga class on rest day.

Now go get ’em.


“Strength training is the key to weight loss and unlocking your inner badass,” says Rosante. “You’ll burn fat, shape your body, and increase the number of calories your body burns at rest.”

This is because the more lean muscle your body has, the more energy it takes to maintain. This increases your BMR, or basal metabolic rate, meaning your body burns more calories at rest. This is a calculation of how many calories you’d burn if you just laid in bed all day.

Rosante’s simple strength workout requires some floor space, a workout bench, and a set of dumbbells. The exact weight you use will vary, he says, but he does have some guidelines for choosing the right ones. “You want to be able to complete all of the reps without stopping, while keeping great form,” he says. “But your last few reps should feel very difficult to complete. You should feel like you could maybe do one or two more reps if you had to.” It may take some trial and error, and it’s better to start lighter when you’re just beginning. (Here are some more tips on choosing the right weight.)

Ready to get started? Here’s the total-body strength workout you’ll do three times a week.

Your Total-Body Strength Workout

  1. Bodyweight Squats—15 reps. Quick tip: Get low, keep your chest up, and don’t let your knees go over your toes during this lower-body move.
  2. Dumbbell Bench Press—12 reps. Quick tip: Position yourself so your head, back, and butt are all on the bench, your feet flat on the floor.
  3. Dumbbell Row—12 reps each side. Quick tip: If you don’t have a bench available, try a bent-over row.
  4. Lying Isometric Y—Hold for 30 seconds. Quick tip: You can keep your legs on the ground for this one if that feels more comfortable.
  5. Box Step-Ups—15 reps each leg. Quick tip: Alternate between your left and right leg, and for an extra challenge, step your lifted foot into a lunge as you come down from the box.
  6. Plank—Hold for 30 seconds. Quick tip: Make sure you’re keeping your core tight!

Do the circuit 3x, resting for 1 minute between each round.


Strength training is important for increasing your BMR, but the calorie burn payoff for high-intensity cardio workouts is more immediate. “Sprinting torches calories and gets the work done in a fraction of the time you’d spend jogging,” explains Rosante. This type of high-intensity interval training is especially effective because after skyrocketing your heart rate several times during a workout, your body uses more energy to get your body back to a resting state.

You can do Rosante’s simple (but tough as hell) sprint interval workout on almost any cardio equipment. So no worries if you just can’t with the treadmill sometimes—you can also use an indoor cycling bike, rowing machine, elliptical, you name it.

  • 30 seconds: Full-out sprint
  • 60 seconds: Moderate pace jog
  • Do this 12x


“Your body needs to recover after two days of intensity, but you don’t want to sit around doing nothing,” explains Rosante. “Foam rolling and stretching will improve your mobility and actually help to improve the quality of your workouts, [because] good mobility will allow you to achieve full range of motion in the moves. Executing these moves with a greater range of motion will force your body to exert more energy, and the more energy you exert, the more calories you burn.” A bigger range of motion means you’ll be able to squat deeper and lunge lower while using proper form. When the right muscle fibers are firing, you’ll get more out of every exercise.

Now pair that mobility work with some walking. Walking is a low-impact movement that increases blood flow and will help speed recovery, Rosante explains. “Plus, the simple science of weight loss is this: Expend more energy than you intake. Walking counts!” So break out the activity tracker or down load an app on your phone around and aim to get a solid 12,000 steps in (a little more than the normally cited 10,000 steps). “If the goal is weight loss, an extra 2,000 steps per day helps you kick things up,” says Rosante.


Do the same workout you did on Monday.


“Do a high-intensity fitness class to kick up the calorie burn while keeping things fresh, interesting, and social,” says Rosante. Grab some friends and head to an indoor cycling studio, or sign up for the boot camp class you’ve been nervous to try. Having a strategic program like Rosante’s is important for efficiently moving toward your goals, but this where you have the chance to mix it up so you don’t get bored. No matter what you do, though, make sure you sweat—and have fun.


Do the same workout you did on Monday and Thursday.


Ah, rest day—you’ve earned it. Muscles aren’t built while you’re working them—in fact, when you strength train, you’re breaking down muscle fibers. That’s why it’s important to build in rest and recovery time, so they have a chance to repair themselves a little stronger than before, explains Rosante.

“You’ve worked your ass off this past week,” says Rosante. “Rest up and get ready to crush it again next week.”

Stick with this plan for about four weeks, then mix it up.

Keep it up with this workout plan for three to four weeks, suggests Rosante. “Improve and progress with each workout, each week. Lift a little heavier. Push a little harder.” Even if you just focus on improving your form during every workout, that’s still progress, says Rosante.

After a month or so on this plan, it’ll be time to switch it up. “You don’t want to stay on it forever for a couple of reasons. First, you’d get bored out of your mind. And that’s a fitness killer right there,” says Rosante. “Second, your body is absolutely brilliant at adapting to stress. Eventually, it will find a way to make easy work of these sessions. When that happens, you’ll plateau and stop seeing progress. Change is essential.”

But hopefully, once you’ve been crushing your workouts for several weeks, you’ll feel more comfortable than ever moving forward in your fitness journey. And that alone is a big win, no matter what the scale says.

The post A Sample Week Of Working Out For Weight Loss appeared first on Hello Healthy.

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Fall Back into Fitness Pledge


Whether you’ve fallen off the wagon with your regular workouts, you’re plateauing or you’re ready to start exercising this fall, this five-day fitness challenge may be just want you need to start getting results.

Pledge today to get started on Monday. We’ll post a story a day, Monday through Friday, and you’ll be good to go!

How Will It Work?

Follow the suggested five-day schedule below, adjusting it as you see fit. Feel free to start Day 1 with us on Monday, and use Days 6 and 7 for your active rest (more intermediate to advanced exercisers may want to add additional workouts on those days, too). Repeat the schedule for as many weeks as you’d like to help re-establish your exercise habit.

What Do I Need to Do to Join?

This free challenge is completely adaptable based on your needs and preferences. You can use the recommended five-day schedule and daily workouts or create your own. Feel free to hit the gym, take a class, work out at home, follow your own plan or try our workout video options for each daily session. The recommended duration is 20–30 minutes a day, but feel free to do more (or less) depending on how much time and energy you have. Start the program anytime and check in with us as you go, so we can cheer you on along the way!

The Suggested Fall Back into Fitness Schedule:

Day 1: Total-Body Strength Training

Day 2: Steady-State Cardio

Day 3: Interval Cardio + Core

Day 4: Strength Circuits

Day 5: Total Stretch

Days 6 & 7: Active Rest Days — Optional gentle yoga, cycling, walking and/or any add-on workouts of your choice (regular exercisers may want to add strength training, for example)

Let us know if you are all in!

If you are up for the challenge, leave us a comment below and let us know that you’ll be joining us for this series. Also check in with us on your favorite social media platform using the hashtag #MFPFallChallenge. (Be sure to tag @myfitnesspal, too!) We’re here to help support and hold each other accountable, so stay in touch on each post and/or via social media. Don’t be shy, we’re all in this together!

The post Fall Back into Fitness Pledge appeared first on Hello Healthy.

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10 Cozy Casseroles Under 350 Calories

10 Cozy Casseroles Under 350 Calories

The time has come to elevate your dinner with a classic one-pot wonder, otherwise known as the casserole. Whether you prefer veggies and rice or spicy sausage and noodles, there’s something for everyone in this roundup of comforting casseroles. Now gather round the table with family and friends and dive into a scrumptious bowl of comfort–all under 350 calories per serving.

1. Vegetable Rice Casserole | 24 Carrot Life
Sneak a serving or two of veggies into the kiddos’ dinner with this creamy mix of mushrooms, spinach, brown rice, and cheesy goodness galore. To reduce prep time even further, use frozen spinach and brown rice. For an extra fiber boost, swap out the all purpose flour for whole wheat flour. Recipe makes 8 servings.

Nutrition (per serving): Calories: 250; Total Fat: 9g; Saturated Fat: 4g; Monounsaturated Fat: 3g; Cholesterol: 14mg; Sodium: 429mg; Carbohydrate: 32g; Dietary Fiber: 3g; Sugar: 3g; Protein: 10g

2. Chicken Enchilada Casserole | Cooking Light
Craving Southwestern-style comfort food? Look no further than this simple, flavorful one-pot meal made with chicken thighs, corn, fresh cilantro, salsa and spices. Add a hefty pinch of cayenne for extra heat! Top with cubed avocado and chopped cilantro. Recipe makes 4 servings at 1 3/4 cups each.

Nutrition (per serving): Calories: 346; Total Fat: 12g; Saturated Fat: 4g; Monounsaturated Fat: 1g; Cholesterol: 22mg; Sodium: 709mg; Carbohydrate: 36g; Dietary Fiber: 5g;  Sugar: 7g; Protein: 24g

3. Hatch Green Chili and Tomato Egg Casserole | Cotter Crunch
This unique casserole is made with fresh hatch green chiles, crusty bread, juicy tomatoes, and provolone cheese. It’s quick, easy, and even gluten-free. Feel free to add lean chicken sausage or ground turkey for the hungry carnivores. Recipe makes 6 servings.

Nutrition (per serving): Calories: 194; Total Fat: 11g; Saturated Fat: 4g; Monounsaturated Fat: 5g; Cholesterol: 218mg; Sodium: 542mg; Carbohydrate: 13g; Dietary Fiber: 2g;  Sugar: 5g; Protein: 11g

4. Slow Cooker Cheesy Eggplant Casserole | Clean Eating
Skip the breading and frying without sacrificing the cheesy, saucy goodness that is classic eggplant Parmesan. Slow cooking the eggplant adds moisture and keeps the flavors intact without all that extra oil. Serve with mixed greens and balsamic or steamed veggies to round out the meal. Recipe makes 6 servings.

Nutrition (per serving): Calories: 165; Total Fat: 6g; Saturated Fat: 2.5g; Monounsaturated Fat: 1g; Cholesterol: 344; Sodium: 53mg; Carbohydrate: 16g; Dietary Fiber: 4g; Sugar: 10g; Protein: 14g

5. Spinach and Artichoke Quinoa Casserole | iFoodReal
Dabble in the greatness of spinach and artichoke dip without all the guilt! This lighter version uses whole-grain quinoa, almond milk, and lots of fresh spinach instead of the typical mayonnaise and sour cream found in heavier versions. A casserole that’s hearty, filling, and full of fresh flavors–what more could you ask for? Recipe makes 8 servings.

Nutrition (per serving): Calories: 244; Total Fat: 8g; Saturated Fat: 3g; Monounsaturated Fat: 2g; Cholesterol: 14mg; Sodium: 383mg; Carbohydrate: 34g; Dietary Fiber: 7g; Sugar: 2g; Protein: 11g

6. One-Pot Taco Casserole | Fit Foodie Finds
The best part about these terrific tacos is that they require next to no clean up! Mix everything together in a bowl, dump it in a casserole dish, and pop it in the oven. Lean turkey, corn, black beans, salsa, and spices make this a winner for adult and kiddos alike. Serve with taco shells, Greek yogurt and diced tomatoes. Recipe makes 8 servings at 1 cup each.

Nutrition (per serving): Calories: 316; Total Fat: 12g; Saturated Fat: 4g; Monounsaturated Fat: 0g; Cholesterol: 94mg; Sodium: 734mg; Carbohydrate: 25g; Dietary Fiber: 6g;  Sugar: 5g; Protein: 28g

7. Healthy Green Bean Casserole | Hummusapien
This decadent, comforting dish features lighter ingredients that won’t leave you looking for more because, guess what? Green bean casserole isn’t just for Turkey Day! Whip it up this weekend for a vegan flavor powerhouse that the whole family will enjoy. Hooray for baked crispy onions! Recipe makes 8 servings.

Nutrition (per serving): Calories: 139; Total Fat: 5g; Saturated Fat: 1g; Monounsaturated Fat: 3g; Cholesterol: 0mg; Sodium: 863mg; Carbohydrate: 21g; Dietary Fiber: 5g;  Sugar: 3g; Protein: 4g

8. Unstuffed Beef & Cabbage Casserole | Give Recipe
When you don’t feel like slaving away all day in the kitchen (and who does?), whip up these quick and easy deconstructed stuffed cabbage rolls instead. You get all the flavor of the original in half the time. Serve with plain yogurt and a crisp salad. Recipe makes 6 servings.

Nutrition (per serving): Calories: 246; Total Fat: 9g; Saturated Fat: 2 g; Monounsaturated Fat: 5g; Cholesterol: 47mg; Sodium: 107mg; Carbohydrate: 24g; Dietary Fiber: 5g;  Sugar: 6g; Protein: 20g

9. Baked Spaghetti Squash Casserole | Eat Yourself Skinny
Swap out pasta for spaghetti squash in this tasty, comforting casserole. Not only is it an excellent way to sneak in more vegetables, but it’s also kid-approved. The best part is that the leftovers taste even better the next day. Top with fresh torn basil and a sprinkle of Parmesan. Recipe makes 10 servings.

Nutrition (per serving): Calories: 142; Total Fat: 5g; Saturated Fat: 2g; Monounsaturated Fat: 2g; Cholesterol: 31mg; Sodium: 265mg; Carbohydrate: 13g; Dietary Fiber: 3g;  Sugar: 6g; Protein: 12g

10. Baked Ziti with Creamy Kale and Sausage | Clean Eating
What better way to sneak in kale than with pasta, mozzarella cheese, and spicy Italian sausage? Whole grain noodles, low-fat milk, and whole-wheat flour lighten it up without reducing the flavor factor. Bring it to a potluck, or serve it for Sunday night dinner alongside roasted veggies. Recipe makes 12 servings at 3/4 cup each.

Nutrition (per serving): Calories: 338; Total Fat: 10g; Saturated Fat: 4g; Monounsaturated Fat: 0g; Cholesterol: 36mg; Sodium: 481mg; Carbohydrate: 43g; Dietary Fiber: 2g;  Sugar: 6.5g; Protein: 19g

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13 User Tips for Staying Healthy On a Shoestring Budget


Eating healthier has it challenges and money is top on that list! Depending on where you are, fresh food doesn’t come cheap. To tackle this challenge, we asked MyFitnessPal users like you for tips and tricks that helped them stay healthy on a shoestring budget. Without further ado, here are some of their top notch answers:

1. Make stuff from scratch and learn to cook. It’s a life skill, seriously.

2. Use smaller plates.

3. Get two for one at the restaurant.

4. Seek the sales. Freeze the extras.

5. Batch cooking all the way.

6. Eat fresh in season. (Fresh not accessible? Get it frozen!)

7. Avoid convenience stores.

8. Buy only what you need to save on food waste.

9. Plan and prep your meals for the week.

10. Make the slow cooker your friend.

11. Keep it local.

12. Spice it up.

13. Scavenge for coupons.

How do you stay healthy on a shoestring budget? Share with us your best practices in the comments below.

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8 Bad Habits That Are Ruining Your Sleep


If you fall asleep the second your head hits the pillow, you should probably rethink your strategy. “People who do that are sleep-deprived,” says Phyllis Zee, MD, PhD, director of the Sleep Disorders Center at Northwestern Memorial Hospital. “It usually takes a healthy person about 10 to 15 minutes to fall asleep.”

On the other hand, if you’re still staring at the clock 30 minutes — or an hour, or many hours — later, one or more of these nighttime bad habits may be to blame.

Consuming caffeine

Many of us think we can’t function in the morning until we’ve had our coffee, so why would anyone think having a cup late in the day would be a good idea?

The cutoff time for coffee is 2 p.m., says James Maas, PhD, author of “Sleep for Success.” If you’re really sensitive, it may be best to limit your caffeine to one cup in the morning. “Caffeine can affect you for six, seven, eight, maybe even more than 10 hours,” Zee says.

Drinking alcohol

Sure, a nightcap may help you fall asleep — but it won’t be a sound sleep. That wine or gin will make you wake up during the night, experts say. “It ruins REM sleep, which is key for body and brain restoration,” Maas says.

Feel free to have a glass of wine with dinner, but cut out alcohol within two to three hours before your bedtime, Zee recommends.

Using electronics

As if you need another reason to stop being on your phone 24/7… but hear this: Blue light sources like those from your phone, tablet and laptop suppress the production of melatonin, Zee says.

Melatonin is a hormone that controls your body clock, and those levels typically increase as it gets darker in the evening. But if you’re too busy swiping on Tinder or responding to work emails into the wee hours, your melatonin levels won’t rise, and you won’t feel sleepy.

If you’re not ready to put your smartphone, tablet or laptop down, use a program or app like f.lux, which changes the color of your screen to more of a reddish tone closer to bedtime. This is easier on your eyes and may help with sleep.

Watching TV

The amount of blue light your television emits depends on the type, but no matter what, the light is bright, Zee says. And while you sit farther away from your big screen than you do your phone, you still want to avoid any kind of bright light because it all impacts your melatonin levels.

Plus, something like “Game of Thrones” or even the news might be disturbing or thought-provoking, which isn’t conducive to rest — or the show could just draw you in, and before you know it, it’s 2 a.m. and you. can’t. stop. watching. Turn off your television an hour before you go to bed, Zee recommends. (You can always binge-watch your Netflix on the weekend.)


Working out can help you sleep better, but you have to time it correctly.

In one study of more than 2,600 adults, those who did at least 2.5 hours of moderate-to-vigorous activity per week saw a 65% improvement in sleep quality. They also said they felt more alert during the day.

However, a study in the journal Sleep looked at how the time of day women sweated impacted their sleep. Those who exercised in the morning had less trouble falling asleep, whereas those who worked out at night had more trouble dozing off.

In general, Zee recommends wrapping up your gym session within three hours of your bedtime. However, we’re all different (and maybe the only time you can fit in a workout is later in the evening), so see what’s best for you.

Eating spicy foods

That pepperoni pizza may look delicious when you’re out at midnight, but you’re asking for indigestion, which of course won’t lead to smooth sleeping.

Avoid spicy foods and anything else that might upset your stomach close to bedtime. Zee says to stop eating about three hours before hitting the sheets, but Maas says a light snack is OK. If you worry that hunger will keep you up, have some cereal, fruit and nut butter or crackers with hummus.

Turning up the heat

You may be tempted to turn up the thermostat a degree or two before you go to bed, especially in the winter.

But don’t. Your body temperature drops as you doze, so a cooler room may help you fall asleep faster. The National Sleep Foundation says 60–67°F is the slumber sweet spot.


Answering emails on your smartphone after-hours is not only is a source of blue light, it also negatively impacts your performance the next day. In a 2014 study, people who worked on their phones at night were less productive once they were in the office the following day.

“In the U.S., it’s thought of as a badge of honor, that you’re a good, hard worker because you can be reached anytime, 24/7,” Zee says. “But it’s creating burnout. Set expectations and say, ‘I won’t respond to emails after X time.’ ”

Try making a few — or all — of these tweaks and hopefully you’ll be sleeping better soon.

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5 Simple Tips to Lose Baby Weight the Healthy Way


Losing the extra pounds you gained during pregnancy is no easy feat, especially when you’re busy taking care of your new addition. The good news is that these tips and tricks have been proven to help shed baby pounds once and for all — no fad diets or crazy restrictions allowed!

1. Boost Healthy Fats

It may sound strange, but it’s true: You have to eat fat to burn fat. Foods like almonds, avocados, extra virgin olive oil and pumpkin seeds — all sources of healthy dietary fats — keep you satiated and fuller for longer.

Pass on the pretzels and sugary processed snacks, and try a small handful of pistachios or almonds instead. Make salad dressing with olive oil rather than using fat-free bottled versions. (Just remember to stick to the recommended portion sizes.)

2. Eat Veggies Early in the Day

Eating leafy greens and other vegetables in the morning helps get you in a healthy mindset from the get-go, just like working out earlier can do. Blend a big handful of spinach and a few frozen cauliflower florets into your next breakfast smoothie. You likely won’t taste them, but you can rest assured knowing you’re well on your way to meeting your daily veggie quota before lunch.

Not a smoothie fan? Add spinach and sliced mushrooms to an omelet. Both are low in calories and boast a high water content, which adds volume without weighing you down. Pretty flawless, huh?

3. Find a Fun Way to Work Out

Recruit a friend, and take turns watching each other’s babies so you can hit the gym. (Bonus points if you can find a baby-friendly gym!) From yoga to boot camp, there are plenty of group fitness classes that are proven to boost motivation. Find one with great music and an atmosphere that you’ll look forward to each week. Getting back into the habit can be the hardest part of exercise. Treat each workout like a doctor’s appointment; it’s you time and non-negotiable!

No gym membership? Taking a walk with baby in the stroller gets you out of the house (where there’s a high likelihood of snacking out of boredom rather than hunger). Try keeping the changing table upstairs so you have to climb steps each time you change a diaper. Stay as busy and active as possible.

4. Hydrate

It may sound obvious, but besides hormonal changes, one of the biggest causes of post-pregnancy weight gain is mindless eating. New moms often spend more time at home and may snack more than they should.

Thirst can often disguise itself as hunger. Try having a glass of water before, during and after feedings. Add frozen fruit (such as watermelon cubes or grapes) to your water for a flavor boost. Warm liquids tend to be more satisfying than cold, so you can try fun new flavors of tea to keep it interesting.

5. Eat Breakfast at Home

When we say skip the drive-through, this may mean the coffee shop, too. It can be tempting to grab one of those delicious-looking pastries every time you order your daily java.

Make preportioned smoothie containers that you can dump in the blender in the morning, or portion out baggies of old-fashioned oats, cinnamon and dried fruit for easy morning prep. When all else fails, a banana and granola bar are far healthier than any drive-through option or office doughnut and bagel spread. You’ll save time, money and lots of calories by eating in the comfort of your own home.

Alexis Joseph bio picAlexis Joseph, MS, RD, LD is the whole foods enthusiast and registered dietitian behind the plant-based food blog Hummusapien. She is also the co-founder of Alchemy, an innovative café located in Columbus, Ohio that intersects health care and food. Connect with her via TwitterFacebook Instagram.

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Eggplant Parmesan

Eggplant Parmesan

Dietitian Debbie Dishes lightens up traditional eggplant Parmesan and gives it a gluten-free makeover. The result? A comforting side dish that’s just as tasty as the original with just six ingredients.

dietitian debbieDeborah Davis, MS, RD, practices clinical dietetics in Chicago, Illinois. She shares practical nutrition tips and healthy recipes on her personal blog, Dietitian Debbie Dishes. In her free time, you’ll likely find Deborah in the kitchen, camera and spatula in hand, developing recipes for her blog and freelance pieces. Connect with Deborah on Twitter and Instagram.

Photo courtesy of Deborah Davis. Original recipe published on Dietitian Debbie Dishes.

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7 Fall Activities that Burn Calories [Infographic]


Along with pumpkin-spice everything, fall brings with it the return of your regular fitness routine. After a lazy summer catching waves and baseball games, we tend to refresh our workouts as we settle into our back-to-school schedules. But back to “school” doesn’t necessarily have to mean back to the gym — plenty of the fall activities you’re already doing burn enough calories to offset all the tempting seasonal goodies. Did someone say Halloween candy?


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Can You Burn More Calories Working out in the Cold?


Like it or not, winter is coming — and for your workouts, that’s a good thing.

Cold-weather workouts are nothing new. Sports like skiing, snowboarding and ice hockey don’t even hit their stride until temperatures start dipping below the freezing mark, and many of the world’s major marathons and other races are scheduled for colder months. So winter is certainly not a reason to start skipping workouts.

Running in sub-freezing temps may be less pleasant than running in breezier fall weather, but you actually stand to reap a major benefit by working out in the cold or switching up your routine to include some winter sports. While research on the subject is varied, experts say you actually burn more calories when you work out in the cold.

The reason why is pretty simple, says New York City-based personal trainer Reggie Chambers. “Your body has to work harder to increase body temperature, thus you burn more calories,” he explains. “The increased body temperature then ups the rate of your metabolism because the body is working harder.”

But whether the increased calorie burn is really enough to make a difference in your waistline is still up for debate. “It largely depends the intensity,” says Chambers. “If you’re sweating while working out in the cold, it will definitely make a difference.”

There is clinical evidence that freezing temps can help you burn more fat. According to a 2014 study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, contending with the cold can help encourage your body to turn white fat — the kind lurking in trouble spots like your belly and thighs — into brown fat, which helps your body burn calories. When you have more brown fat, you’re more likely to burn extra calories rather than storing them as fat.

If icy winter runs aren’t appealing to you, you can still harness the effects of the calorie-burning cold boost. Chambers suggests cranking up the AC on your indoor workouts. Bonus effect: You have an excuse to wear your light summer workout clothes well into the winter. If you’re working out in a gym or studio where you can’t control the temperature, you can also take advantage of ice baths or icy temps outside — step outside between sets, or use an ice bath to make your body bring your muscles back up to room temperature.

Of course, you can always just embrace the cold weather in your workout routine. Chambers certainly does: “My favorite cold-weather workouts are playing any sport outside or doing sprints with pushups and calisthenics in the park.”

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