5 Healthy, Kid-Approved Halloween Snacks—No Tricks, Just Treats!

myfitnesspal monster grills

Remember what Halloween used to be like? Plastic, jack-o-lantern buckets filled with candy, candy, and still more candy! Boy, have things changed. Today, experts warn against too much added sugar, and all those individually wrapped goodies and unhealthy treats are suddenly frowned upon. What are kids to do? Bring back the fun—and still keep things healthy—with these homemade Halloween snack ideas!

1. Make Jack-o-Lantern Snacks and Meals To make every day foods more festive, think like a pumpkin and start carving! Try cutting spooky faces into oranges for a fun lunch box snack. Or carve orange peppers before stuffing them with Mexican-spiced beans and rice (or your kids’ favorite fillings), and bake them for dinner. A great party trick: Arrange carrots in the shape of a jack-o-lantern, with olives or cucumbers for a smile, and small cups of hummus dip for eyes.

2. Serve Candy Corn Fruit Parfaits Candy corn is delicious (I’m not here to lie to you, people!), but it’s not healthy—and it certainly doesn’t help kids learn about healthy foods. Make a candy corn-themed parfait instead! Fill a glass with a layer of tangerines, then a layer of pineapple, and top it with a dollop of whipped cream or coconut cream. Finish it off with an actual piece of candy corn (or three) for effect.

3. Scare Up Some Trail Mix Combine chopped chocolate chips, raw coconut flakes, and almonds, and portion the mixture out into small containers for your kiddos. It’s a decadent treat without excess sugar or preservatives—I promise, your kids won’t miss those mini candy bars!

4. Enjoy Frozen Boo-nanas Cut bananas in half and add a popsicle stick at the bottom. Take a few chocolate chips and pop them into the banana halves to create eyes and mouths. Then, freeze them for a delicious, spooky dessert.

5. Try Spooky Monster Grills My favorite Halloween snack? These Monster Grills, pictured above! They’re healthy, silly, and perfect for kiddos! I love munching on them after a run for a boost of healthy protein and carbs. (Obviously, I’m still a kid at heart!) Here’s the recipe…

Looking for more inspiration? Check out my Healthy Halloween Pinterest Board! And follow MyFitnessPal on Pinterest while you’re at it!

from Hello Healthy http://ift.tt/1Wo7gzX